Space Optics Instrument
Design & Technology

Course for Experts

11 May - 16 May 2025

please stay tuned
the course program is under preparation

The Course Programme

Optical engineering for Space is a highly specialized work in need of trained and experienced people. Technology evolution market dynamics requires staying up to date with new methodologies for the designing, manufacturing, and commissioning high performance Space optical instruments. Pushed by this need, the European Space Agency took the initiative to organize a course for professionals operating in the sector of optical engineering for Space.

The overall course programme consists of two courses: one dedicated to Space Optics Instrument Design (SOID) and the other to Space Optics Instrument Technology (SOIT). The courses will be organised alternatively, one course a year. In 2022 the course focusses on the Space Optics Instrument Technology.

Organizing Committee

Bernd Harnisch, Senior Space Optics Advisor, The Netherlands
Luca Maresi, ESA/ESTEC, Lead Optical Engineer, The Netherlands
Jasmijn Willemse, ATPI, The Netherlands